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Can I End Up in Prison if Someone Else Gives Me Stolen Property?

 Posted on February 17, 2025 in Criminal Defense

Tarrant County, TX Theft AttorneyIf you think about someone being charged with theft, you likely imagine that person took something that was not theirs. But did you know that in Texas, you could also face theft-related criminal charges if you did not steal anything but received something stolen by someone else? 

Many people mistakenly think that if they did not actively steal anything, they would not get into any legal trouble for the theft. However, if anything that was stolen is found in your possession, you could end up facing serious consequences. A knowledgeable Texas criminal defense lawyer can explain the laws and build a solid defense to protect your rights.

What Does Texas Law Say About Receiving Stolen Property?

According to Texas law, theft is when someone illegally comes to possess something with the intention of depriving its rightful owner of it. If you have something you know was stolen, it is considered theft even if you are not the one who stole it. In such cases, you could face the same theft charges as someone who actively stole the item.

For this to happen, the prosecution needs to prove that the item was taken from its rightful owner, without the owner’s permission; that you received or possessed it – by buying it, accepting it as a gift, or acquiring it some other way – and that you knew it was stolen or should have reasonably known this.

How is Knowledge of Theft Proven?

To secure a conviction, the prosecution needs to prove that you knew something that you came into possession of was stolen. That is not always easy to do. Courts often consider other factors that could have led you to reasonably assume the item was stolen even if that was not explicitly said to you. For example, if you bought something for way less than its market value or you know the seller and are aware that this person sells stolen goods, these would help the prosecution demonstrate that it would have been reasonable for you to understand that the item was stolen.

What Are the Penalties for Receiving Stolen Property?

If you are charged in Texas for receiving stolen property, the penalties will depend on the value of the items in question, as follows:

  • For an item worth less than $100, you would likely be charged with a Class C misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $500.

  • If the item was worth between $100 and $750, you could be charged with a Class B misdemeanor and sentenced to up to 180 days in jail and a $2,000 fine.

  • If the value of the stolen item you acquired was between $750 and $2,500, you could be charged with a Class A misdemeanor, for which you would serve up to one year in jail and need to pay a $4,000 fine.

  • Receiving stolen property worth between $2,500 and $30,000 is charged as a State jail felony. The sentence is between 180 days and two years in a state jail and up to a $10,000 fine.

These penalties increase and charges become more severe as the value of the property received increases. That is why it is imperative to work with an experienced lawyer who can build a solid defense.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Fort Worth, TX Criminal Defense Lawyer

It can be surprising and distressing to realize you could face the same charges for receiving something stolen as you might if you had stolen yourself, but a dedicated Tarrant County, TX defense attorney can review your case and aggressively protect your rights. Call The Dameron Law Firm at 817-222-0624 to schedule a free consultation.

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